Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Well I guess this is what grown ups do...

Well this is my life as we know it thus far... I don't have many things to post like everyone else, my life consists of Tom, Laundry, Cooking or trying to, Maybe reading, cleaning and yes massaging everyone else in the world.

I'm glad that Toms around he keeps things interesting.... and as of the moment is very much in love with playing with Seabass on XBOX to wee hours in the morning shooting zombies. Or I should correct myself Nazi zombies.
Its sad to say but since this new job this is really the best thing that I have made for dinner. Yes Peanut butter and Jelly sometimes I switch it up and use honey... I think I just won the wife of the year award.
The Apartment that I might add is falling apart never seems to be or stay clean so this is me.. But my Vacuum looking nothing like this.
Yes the Job... If I worked on people who looked like this everyday life would be great.. but no I get hairy, stinky, nasty feet people. And some people don't even tip... Boo on them! But hey the pay is amazing so I am grateful for this job. If my arm doesn't fall off soon I might be able to enter a arm wrestling contest and maybe even win!
Well about every other night I am doing laundry. Not even on my own clothes, it SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! It never ends!!!!!!!!! So I am very grateful to a great MOM AND MOTHER IN LAW who let me use their machines to do this. THANK YOU!!!
And then I guess if I am lucky and have not passed out at the end of the night I might be able to read some kind of good book. Maybe...


Greg & Andrea said...

Yup, that's what grown ups do alright. Give it some more time and you will get into the swing of working a more demanding job. Pretty soon your arms will get stronger and you will not be so tired. Hey and with all the money you are making maybe you can save up for a washer and dryer of your very own. Did you ever think there would come a day that you would wish for that? :)

Tom & Michelle said...

And a dish washer too!

journalist16 said...

Sometimes I want to revert to 17 again. I thought it was so bad then, now it doesn't look so bad. The days when I thought waking up at 8am was early! Michelle you are a rock star. I can't wait till you can retire. :)

Shelli said...

Great post! You are a creative writer, and yes you are a grown up now :). I remember when your sisters would give me a hard time for still tying your shoes when you were in 2nd or 3rd grade, and now look, my little girl is all grown up, so responsible, and such a good little wife. I am so proud of you, and love you.

Jennifer Parcell said...

I hear ys on the sheets and I am only in school right now! How many sheets sets do you wash in a day? Life is a funny thing, it seems foreign and then one day ten years have passed and you become a pro! Well kinda!

LaRance family said...

Michelle I was laughing the whole time I was reading your post. You are so funny. That is so nice that you have a good job. Hopefully you can get a break soon:)

Amber said...

Cute post Michelle. And yes that is life...we get it all. The good, the bad, and of course the blah. But at least your making some good money. You'll have to treat yourself to something! And mom..did you forget brushing Michelles teeth till she was in 3rd grade too? Or was it 7th? haha! Love ya sis.

Tom & Michelle said...

Amber you made me laugh.