Well here is Toms blanket. 2 years later and its still not done, but its good enough for now. First of all he had these jeans that he wore kinda alot when we were dating that were pre mission and not in the best shape, if you know what I mean ( Sorry hunny). So I thought Hey it would be a really good idea to cut them up and make them into a blanket for him so he can still have them but not wear them.:) So I got some of my old jeans and other family jeans and put them together to make this Quilt. ... Easier said then done. Notice how all the pieces are not the same. I never made a quilt before and didn't think that it would be that hard. I should of had my mother in law help me but no I cut the pieces in all crazy shapes, which led to a very long and hard process of me trying to piece and sew it. OH THE SEWING!!!! So it was getting closer and closer to Christmas and I pieced it but the edges weren't done and there were some holes in it, but I gave it to him. I think he liked it. ha ha.. So that same Christmas Tom got me a sewing machine... yea I just opened it a few weeks before this Christmas and it was broken. wa waaaa.... So there went my plan to fix it this Christmas.
And yes the more I look at it in this picture I can see that it is crooked. :(
Hey don't be too hard on yourself. You should be proud of what you have done. Doing a blanket like that for your first time would be tough and it turned out really good. I had a hard enough time making Amber's and hers wasn't nearly as intricate as yours. So good job. I think it looks great!
I like the crooked! It gives it a lot more character and visual appeal, and things like that are absolutly PRICELESS!!! And wow, a quilt! That is one thing I have never done....I think that this project probably makes you the very most domestic of all of us! I nominate Michelle for Homemaker of the year!!! All in Favor?
That is so cool that you made a quilt of of old jeans, Michelle! Those are so hard to make! Good job. and I LOVE the different shaped patches of jeans. I think it makes it look really, really cool! I would have thought you did that on purpose. Also, A+ on the idea to use iron on stuff .
WOO HOO!!! Homemaker of the year! Im in favor.
I am so proud of you for even attempting such a difficult project. Just think... years down the road, when you are an expert seamstress... you can tell others of your first attempt, and motivate them to keep working at their own projects. I love the quilt, and I love that Tom appreciates it, and uses it. You are a sweet wife.
Well, half of the blankets that I make don't even fold up to a square! OOPS! I am still in training! You will be a pro by the time you start kicking out kids! And thank you for your sweet sweet comments on my blog! We may be far apart, but I am so grateful for you love and encouragement! Thank you! and I love you too! I only wish we lived closer! We would have lots of fun!
Michelle, I tried to put you on the contributors list for the recipe blog, and then realized that I didn't have your email address. Could you send it to me? and then I will get you right on!
I love the quilt Michelle. I still have never made a quilt. That is one of my goals I'd like to tackle, learning how to sew and quilt and all that girly stuff.
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