Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hammy Hamstine

Well everyone meet Hamstine. I thought since Amber and Andi are posting pictures of their babies then I should post a picture of my baby. :) She likes to eat lettuce.

Here is her cage, Tom did lots of research on what was the best hamster to get, what kind of cage.. you name it, he looked it up.

Shes good about letting us hold her and she cuddles so that's good, I enjoy that.

We almost have her trained to come out of the cage all on her own, When we first got her we would trick her into coming out of the cage with lettuce but now when we open the door she comes out on her own.
Well I think she is cute and she makes me happy, So thanks Tom for getting her for me.


Jennifer Parcell said...

WOW! I don't know what to say, but uhm ya if that will help with the baby hunger then ok. Nick says that we have a hamster named Murry and we should let them mate and then we would have little baby hammy's and Murry's to hold and adore! That would be fun!Actually Murry is Ashley's hamster so you would have to clear that with her! Just teasing with ya! I just don't love holding hamsters. Sorry

Emily said...

aww, congratulations! :)

Greg & Andrea said...

Cute little hamster. Just don't kill this one like you did to Nipple...I mean Nibble :)

Rachel B said...

Aw, what a cute little buddy! Nipple?

Tom & Michelle said...

Ok so the Nipple thing... when I was little I had a hamster that I named NIBBLE.. Amber and Andi thought that it was more funny to call him NIPPLE. And to this day they still do.

Amber said...

When I first read the Hamstein thing I thought you were refering to Ryan....:)
Very cute. Nathan is sitting here with me begging me to show him the "little mice" again. We're working on hamster, and also that one mouse is not called "mice".

Shelli said...

Cute little Hamster, and so sweet of Tom to try to pacify your baby cravings.