Monday, February 9, 2009


Well Here are my pillowcases that I made for Nathan and Eva. For my calling in church I had to learn how to make these for the service project that were doing. I have to show all the sisters in the ward how to do these so I wanted to practice before then. Nathans is of course Toy story.. for those of you who don't know he ABSOLUTELY LOVES TOY STORY right now. And I made Eva a princess one because Lets face it we all know that I would love this pillow case but Tom would make fun of me if I kept it And two Eva is a little princess. So I just have to do a few finishing touches on it then I will send them out. I hope that they enjoy it. Hey they are just to cute not to spoil.

P.s Like my toes creeping in on the picture?? haha


Jennifer Parcell said...

Very cute! I am so impressed at your progress! I am going to have to make some now!

Greg & Andrea said...

That pillow case is really cute. Eva is going to love it. Thanks. And yes I like your little feet creeping in.

Rachel B said...

Wow Michelle!!! You are awesome! How Domestic!!!!

Shelli said...

You are a sweet Aunt!! They will love them.

Amber said...

Nathan is going to be so excited. I can just hear him now, "momma look at my buzz lightyear pillowcase". Thanks aunt shell!