Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Well this is a warning to those of you who have fancy little backgrounds for your blogs. I thought to myself today well Toms home teaching, I'm bored so maybe I'll switch the background on my blog. I found this really cute one that I liked, went through this big hassle to put it on, then everything on my blog was gone. All my widgets, pictures, EVERYTHING! So I start trying to do things to make it better and its just getting worse and worse to the point that I didn't even have pictures on my blog I have words and codes. So finally after about 2 hours some how I figured something out and fixed it. So that's why if things seem crazy or if I left you out on the side that's why. My point is just leave your background the same, its too much of a hassle to do.


Greg & Andrea said...

It's too bad you had to learn the hard way. I think it has something to do with the site that we use to get the backgrounds. Cause i know some of my friends change theirs all the time and their blogs are fine. Well I guess now you know not to mess with yours. At least your blog looks good and you got it all put back together.

Rachel B said...

I have done the same thing! It took forever to get it going again! I agree with Andi and think that it is mostly the Pyzam backgrounds. Check out "cutest blogs on the block", or "Lilypie". I don't think they do as much damage.

I am glad that you got it working. I think it looks great!

Shelli said...

Michelle, i tried to change my background too but it didn't work and I lost all the names of all of you guys blogs, and don't know how to get them back!!! At least you got most of everything back.

Amber said...

I've has friends who have done the same thing... I wish I would have used cutest blog on the block...but too late now. I don't dare mess with mine.